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6/21/2020 Newsletter



A Word From Pastor John~

As we look to celebrate the joining of the church by several new members, we are reminded of the importance of church membership. 1 Corinthians 12:14 tells us,  "For the body does not consist of one member but of many." 

How true it is that the church is supposed to function as many people working together for the common mission. In reality though, we see far too few people involved in ministry through the local church. If we are a member of the church, we are supposed to be active in serving, giving, and making disciples. 

Let's all evaluate our lives this week. To what role has God called us within the local church? How are we to pray, how are we to serve, how are we to be a part of this extraordinary mission God has called us to? 

We pray for and look forward to the new members God has brought our way. All glory and praise be to God.


Pray For One Another

To request prayer, email or call/text (520) 709-0815

Our pastors and their families

The world as we all continue to navigate this Covid-19 pandemic.

Brenda and Karen's brother, Wes

RJ Thibodeaux

Alice MacKenzie

Phillis Bacon's friend Shirley

Judy's Baker's great grandson

Merritt's sister-in-law, Cheri

Pastor Rod Marion's son Shaun

The friends and family of Bob Hatch

Phillis Bacon

Sandy and Cork Winebrenner

Leanne Mobley

Susie Kimbal

Shelly Butler and family

The many unspoken requests


Nazarene News

California W&W team expands missions trip in wake of COVID-19 pandemic

by Daniel Sperry for Nazarene News | 17 Jun 2020

A Work & Witness team from Glendora Community Church of the Nazarene was waiting to board a flight to the island of Chuuk when an announcement came over the airport loudspeaker: Chuuk had banned all flights from countries with COVID-19 cases, including the USA, effective immediately.

“We couldn’t believe it,” said Janet Wilkins, the Work & Witness coordinator for the trip. “Their luggage was on the plane.”

The team regrouped at Guam Church of the Nazarene and quickly began to look for alternate plans.

“GCC wanted to work,” Wilkins said. “They had taken two weeks off work to serve. They had planned for so long.”

The group from Glendora, California, had begun planning the trip nearly two years prior, and they weren’t ready to give up. Three of the group members had previously served at Kahului Nazarene in Maui, Hawaii, so they decided to pivot the trip location. After a phone call to the church, Pastor Tim Cruz helped organize housing for the team and found ways for them to serve the community. 

The team had to wait nearly two days for a flight from Guam to Hawaii. For the next 36 hours, they looked for things to do at Guam Church of the Nazarene. Wilkins said they finished several projects for the church, including installing new whiteboards, building cabinets, and fixing leaky roofs. 

When the team arrived in Hawaii, they discovered their work in Kahului would largely be with the same people groups they planned on serving in Chuuk. Kahului Nazarene’s outreach is to people from Chuuk and the surrounding islands of Pohnpei and Yap that have moved to Hawaii. They were able to reach out to the kids and youth in that town, which happens to be 80 percent Micronesian.

“Our trip did not go as planned,” said Matt Bolt, a member of the team from GCC. “It went better than planned. We helped two churches with manual labor, spent a lot more than $10,000 [in supplies], and got to love on people and sing worship in Micronesian languages. We might have missed physically being on Chuuk Island, but God gave us the people.” 

While the GCC team moved on to Hawaii, the Wilkins were able to travel with the supplies, hire a construction team, and finish the project that GCC was scheduled to complete. 

“We can plan all the details and dream of what it might look like, but our Lord is sovereign and good in His plans,” Wilkins said. “He turned this trip from being a COVID-19 disaster into a way to minister to Micronesians in three separate locations.”


Bible Reading Plan: Week 26

This year, we are reading through the Bible chronologically using The Bible Recap Plan in YouVersion.

Take a bookmark from the front lobby if you'd like to keep track that way and go through at your own pace. Bookmark SIX is available now!

Use OR the YouVersion app

Day 176: 1 Kings 15

Day 177: 1 Kings 16

Day 178: 1 Kings 17-19

Day 179: 1 Kings 20-21

Day 180: 1 Kings 22

Day 182: Obadiah 1

Before you read God’s Word today, seek His help with these 5 prayers:

1. God, give me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. 2. God, let any knowledge I gain serve to help me love You and others more, and not puff me up. 3. God, help me see something new about You I've never seen before. 4. God, correct any lies I believe about You or anything I misunderstand. 5. God, direct my steps according to Your Word.


Humor... kinda


Opportunities to Give and Serve

New Bread Bank hours!

Donations are welcome!

Help get Bibles to the Navajo speaking

people in prison here in Arizona: Serve God by serving your church:


Social Distancing Guidelines

Please keep at least 6 feet apart while sitting in the sanctuary if possible

Please practice social distancing on the church property as much as possible

Sanitizer and masks are available at the front table

If you feel sick or have a temperature, please stay home

Communion elements will be available on a table as you enter the church 

Offering will be taken as you exit the church after service 

Surfaces will be regularly cleaned and sanitized 

Thanks for respecting the guidelines and one another!



~ Mosaic Kids page! CLICK HERE

This weeks subject is still Goodness :)

~ Remeber to check our UPDATES page (for all your Covid-19 time Mosaic news)

~ See our services on YouTube! RIGHT HERE

  • For upcoming events and weekly schedule, go HERE (scroll down a little)

  • For our live Google calendar go HERE

This Week

9:00 am Livestream on Facebook

9:00 am Children's Church


Congregation Corner

What Would Jesus Do?

. . . if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chron 7:14)

Our land is hurting and in deep need of God's divine healing. Appropriately, this admonition from God addresses the critical fact that the sin and wickedness in our life as a nation has direct — and disastrous — effects on our health as a nation and as a global community.(Rev. David Wilson Rogers | Carlsbad Current-Argus, Dec. 16, 2017)

On May 25, 2020 the world witnessed the murder of a suspect in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota and have collectively said, “enough is enough!” “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

People of all races, ethnicities, religions, social status have spoken out against the reoccurrence of such inhumane and unjust actions and have come together in solidarity.

Protests have erupted across the United States and in several countries around the world. Our Nation is experiencing heart-wrenching pain, as well as righteous indignation. Enough is enough!

All four living former presidents spoke out against the horrific injustices and the need for change in policies. President Obama concluded his message with the following remarks. “The elected officials who matter most in reforming police departments and the criminal justice system work at the state and local levels.

It’s mayors and county executives that appoint most police chiefs and negotiate collective bargaining agreements with police unions. It’s district attorneys and state’s attorneys that decide whether or not to investigate and ultimately charge those involved in police misconduct. Those are all elected positions. In some places, police review boards with the power to monitor police conduct are elected, as well. These offices have a direct impact on social justice issues, not to mention the fact that who wins and who loses those seats is often determined by just a few thousand, or even a few hundred, votes.

Unfortunately, voter turnout in these local races is usually pitifully low. So the bottom line is this: if we want to bring about real change, then the choice isn’t between protest and politics. We have to do both. We have to mobilize to raise awareness, and we have to organize and cast our ballots to make sure that we elect candidates who will act on reform. “

So, as a body of believers, what can we do? Start and end with prayer. Then, open our ears, our eyes our hearts and seek to understand both sides in social, economic and political issues to lessen the division. Engage in conversations to honestly examine preconceived notions about disenfranchised and marginalized populations. Advocate for change in policies and laws that are biased. And, vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!

“Stand up for justice, but always stand in love and if we stand in love, love will win every time.” - Rev. Raphael Warnock at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.

Ebenezer Baptist Church is where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was baptized, co-pastored with his father from 1960 until his death in 1968, and where his funeral services were held.

Submitted by Talma Harmon


New Office Hours!

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