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Pray for One Another
To request prayer, email mosaicnazarene@gmail.com
or call/text (520) 709-0815
Our pastors, our board and their families
Steve and Caiden Nanos
Chuck Lagrand
Valerie Thibodeaux
Clarence McGinnis
Barb Gionfriddo's nephew-in law, Bob
Pat Lancos
Mike and Shelley Butler
The Peterson family from Crossroads Church
Barb Keeler's daughter-in-law, Lisa
June Miller
The many unspoken requests
Make sure you're a part of our Facebook group to get prayer requests as they come in: https://www.facebook.com/groups/21109057279
Verses of the Week
Click here to read the verses in context Isaiah 43
Coming Up and Happening Now...
This week's lesson is
God's Word is Important Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Herald of Holiness
Opportunities to Give and Serve
Fill out a "Serve" sheet at church to let us know your talents!
Or, scroll down and fill out THIS FORM online.
We are looking for helpers in the following areas. Please text the church phone at 520-709-0815 and we will get you set up!
☞ Mosaic Cleaning Team
☞ Children's Church helpers
☞ Calling and Caring Team call Chuck: (520) 604-1971
MOPS is back in session!
You can Volunteer for once a month, once a quarter, or every time MOPs meets! Contact Bonnie Strunk (480) 296-1831
Humor... Kind of
Check our UPDATES page for new things.
For our live Google calendar go HERE
~ See our services on YouTube! RIGHT HERE
Our services can also be viewed on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/mosaicnazareneflorence