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Pray for One Another
To request prayer, email mosaicnazarene@gmail.com
or call/text (520) 709-0815
Our pastors, our board and their families
Wes Hathaway
Bonnie Strunks Mom
Linda McNaught
Ramona Remech
Susan Hunt’s neighbor, Deirdre Continelli
A MOPs mom
The family of a MOP's mom
Barb Gionfriddo's friends husband and son
Sherry Prescott's Daughter
Family and Friends of Stan McElrath
The many unspoken requests
Make sure you're a part of our Facebook group to get prayer requests as they come in: https://www.facebook.com/groups/21109057279
Bible Reading Plan
Redemptive-Historical Bible Reading Plan
This year we are doing a 16 part plan that reveals God's plan of redemption in the Old Testament. Here is what the organizer says about it:
"I have outlined redemptive history in 16 stages, from creation up through the open-ended expectation of the Day of the Lord. Then I provide carefully curated sections from the OT that trace this history. I tried to pick at least one chapter from every OT book, but to keep it reasonably short I had to leave some out. I also pepper in psalms along the way. Then, for each stage, I provide a chapters from the NT that bring out how each of those steps of redemptive history (for ancient Israel) are fulfilled in the new era in Christ." Greg Laniers Blog
We will have three to five weeks to read and reflect on each part.
We will reflect on PART 12 for one more week.
Verses of the Week
Click the following to read the verse in context Matthew 5
Coming Up...
beginning Friday, October 20 at 10am
This week's lesson is
We are part of God’s Kingdom Matthew 22:8
“So the king sent out his servants again. The king said, ‘Tell the guests that I have prepared a feast! Come to the wedding banquet!’"
Nazarene News
After the Sierra Centro District in Ecuador developed a successful children’s orchestra, leaders set their sights on a soccer ministry. Their initial efforts were unsuccessful until a woman called the pastors of Kadosh Church of the Nazarene, Ricardo and Jenni Calles.
That phone call initiated a series of transformations in two people’s lives and introduced Ricardo to the perfect person to bring the vision of the soccer program into reality.
The Sierra Centro District believes in helping children develop skills and passions in conjunction with Christian formation. After the district’s children’s orchestra became successful, leaders hoped their vision of soccer formation schools that even fed a professional team would be successful as well.
But according to Ricardo, who oversees the soccer project for the district, “We didn’t have the right person to help us land some of our ideas.”
Some of the players they were training had been exploited by other teams that promised opportunities to accommodate players but failed to fulfill them.
“We came to a point where we had to decide,” Ricardo said. “Were we going to let all the formation that the churches had invested in these young people go to waste?”
Ricardo believes God’s timing is perfect. In 2018, a woman named Amalia called Ricardo and Jenni about her marriage needing restoration. The church's counseling eventually led Amalia to accept Christ as her Savior. She began fasting and praying that God would restore her marriage.
Almost a year later, her husband, Marlon Caicedo, called Ricardo
“My life was a mess,” Marlon said. “My life was full of what soccer and sports offer you, which is women, alcohol, all of that stuff.”
Marlon accepted Christ that night and began turning his life around.
“When I surrendered my life to Christ, He finally removed the covers from my eyes, and I was able to see my reality,” Marlon said. “I think God is using this opportunity for me to get involved with the soccer team and also to preach the Word of God through the sport.”
Marlon was coaching a second-division team called Danubio Sporting Club in the province of Pastaza and running their academy program. He had been fired from his job just before coming to Christ. But Ricardo believed the district had found the right man to help carry out their vision of the soccer schools.
When Ricardo and Marlon went to the province to register their school, they were told they could take over Danubio, as its ownership had abandoned the team. They accepted the offer and eventually turned Danubio into Nazareno Sporting Club in May of 2023, with Ricardo as the club’s president and Marlon as the program coordinator.
Today, there are 13 different “soccer schools” at churches across the Sierra Centro District. The program funnels talented students into teams competing in the Under-13, Under-15, and 17-21-year-old age categories. In May 2024, Nazareno Sporting Club’s top team will begin its campaign to be promoted to Ecuador’s second division as a professional team.
While many of the children hope to make it as professional players, they know that won’t be the reality for all of them.
“It’s important for them to understand that," Marlon said. "That’s why every pastor is in charge of a school — it is their responsibility to talk to them, pastor them, and encourage them.”
Ultimately, Ricardo and Marlon want to help provide a tangible expression of God’s love to the students they train and encounter at Nazareno Sporting Club.
“We cannot just tell kids that God loves them but don’t do anything for them,” Ricardo said. “We want to offer them opportunities to grow and be excellent in the areas they’re passionate about. And one day, God will use their skills and passions, just like God is using Marlon to put all his talent, knowledge, and passion into serving Him.”
Opportunities to Give and Serve
We are looking for helpers in the following areas. Please text the church phone at 520-709-0815 and we will get you set up!
⎆Mosaic Cleaning Team
⎆Children's Church helpers
MOPS is back in session!
You can Volunteer for once a month, once a quarter, or every time MOPs meets! Contact Bonnie Strunk (480) 296-1831
Humor... Kind of
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